Saturday, May 13, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 05-12-2023: Walking with Alex Trebek, Pizza and Family Dinner, Debbie's Getting Better

 1. While on a walk today along Riverside to Cameron to the 4-way stop and then back home, I listened to the second episode of the podcast, This is Jeopardy! It focused on the revival of Jeopardy in 1984 and the hiring of Alex Trebeck as host. Trebeck's early days and even years hosting the show were especially challenging. Some viewers couldn't accept that Art Fleming was no longer with the show and wrote disparaging letters expressing their disdain for Alex Trebeck.  It's hard to believe, given how beloved Alex Trebeck became, that in the beginning, many viewers found him arrogant, a show off, and a huge disappointment -- especially vis a vis Art Fleming. 

Alex Trebeck hung in there, though, and, in time, viewers adjusted and his successful career as the host of Jeopardy seemed to last forever until he died in 2020.

2. Our family decided to go out for family dinner. Since we couldn't meet on Mother's Day or the day after, we decided to congregate at an outside table at The Beanery and order a bunch of wood-fired pizzas. 

We had a blast. 

Molly's pal, Jenna, joined us and we relaxed, aided by beer, wine, and cider, and told a lot of great stories and enjoyed a lot of roaring laughter. 

I wish I could accurately list the names of pizzas we ordered. I know one was all cheese. Another was The Beanery's version of Hawaiian pizza. Another was a Greek pizza.  Another one might have had beets on it. You can tell. I was losing track. 

No matter.

The crusts were thin, just the way I love them, often charred. 

The toppings were superb, creative, beautifully imagined.

And my beer, a Payette North Fork Lager, was absolutely flawless,  the perfect drink to enjoy with pizza slices.

3. Debbie felt better today as the illness she's been plagued with seems to be subsiding a bit.

So, instead of struggling just to make through dinner, Debbie was animated, really funny, and social -- she made a round or two to other tables to talk with Kellogg people she knows from our neighborhood and at work.

But, there was a limit to what Debbie felt like doing.

Christy, Carol, Paul, and Molly (I don't know about Jenna) left The Beanery and visited Molly's apartment in what I think of as the old Casey Westcott house. 

Debbie and I will visit Molly's apartment another time.

We headed home, stayed up for a little while, and then both hit the hay pretty early. 

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