Saturday, May 27, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 05-26-2023: Bakery and Car Wash, Ed and I Blast Over to the Old Montana Bar, *The Debutante* and *Monk*

1. To prepare for the big excursion Ed and I would be taking to Saltese, MT (35 miles away!), I picked up a few things at Yoke's, bought a mini loaf of cinnamon raisin sourdough bread at the Beach Bum Bakery, and took the Camry through the car wash at Silver Valley Tire. 

2. Ed swung by about 11:00. We piled into the Camry and blasted over Lookout Pass and glided into downtown Saltese and made ourselves at home at the Old Montana Bar. We started out playing some machines and I enjoyed a couple bottles of ice cold Budweiser in a frosty glass. After fiddling around spinning reels, we ordered lunch and my bacon jack cheese cheeseburger and beer battered fries were just right. I switched to water at lunch. Ed and I decided to give the machines one more try and I had some luck and won back almost all the money after lunch I'd lost before. That was fun.

3. Back home, Debbie and I listened to another episode of The Debutate, Jon Ronson's three hour portrayal of Carol Howe, a former debutante in her early twenties from Tulsa who joined the white power movement and lived with other like-minded people in the Elohim City, OK compound. Carol Howe became disillusioned, however, and she became an informant for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.  Ronson's story narrates her experience as an informant and the aftermath, an aftermath which coincides with the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995.

This is another podcast focused on a particular aspect of what Kathleen Belew covered in Bring the War Home. It goes into depth about life at Elohim City and the people who lived there. As a sidebar, Kathleen Belew is one of the experts Jon Ronson interviews in this podcast. Like Leah Sotille's podcast, Two Minutes Past Nine, Ronson's podcast is valuable in the way it adds to both Belew and Sotille's coverage of   the Oklahoma City bombing. 

At the end of this podcast's second episode, Debbie and I switched gears and watched Adrian Monk try to figure out who was killing members of a jury from a trial six years ago. This story was superb and was further strengthened by a strong subplot telling the story of Sharona and her romance with a San Francisco deputy mayor.  

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