Monday, June 3, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 06-02-2024: Obeying the Site of My Surgery, Good Lord! The Wordle Archive!, Feeding My Body and Soul

1. The site in my lower abdomen, left of my groin, got a little cranky on occasion this weekend, starting Friday. None of the discomfort lasted long, but I experienced different and brief jabs of pain from time to time. I began to figure it out. It caused discomfort if I bent at the waist or if I stretched an arm reaching for something. I felt discomfort if something slipped out of my hand and I made a quick move to catch it before it fell to the floor. 

Well, actually, the surgery site often told me loudly, clearly,  and briefly not to make quick moves of any kind. As I understood what caused my occasional discomfort, I began work around those things. I sat up straight in chairs. I walked around, keeping my back as straight as possible. I spent time in bed, lying flat (the surgery site really liked this!). Cooperating with the surgery site, being mindful of what I could do in my movements to avoid discomfort worked. Resting much of the day helped the surgery site settle down and I spent most of the day without discomfort and what I did experience was minor. 

2. Oh my! The New York Times has made an archive of past Wordle puzzles available online. Wow! I didn't jump jubilantly on the Wordle bandwagon in the beginning and, whoa!, if I want to go bananas working past Wordle puzzles, a ton of them, unworked, are just sitting in this archive, singing their siren song, urging me to drop all else and solve them! I think I'll just do that! Not all at once, but it'll be fun to have all these Wordles to turn to from time to time and keep my mind active and entertained. 

3. Debbie cooked up a superb hash along with a couple of thick pork loins. It was awesome.  I followed it up with combining a helping of the superb cabbage salad she made with Romaine lettuce and a variety of chopped vegetables, ate this combo, and left the supper table confident that I had contributed positively to my recovery, both physically and spiritually. This simple dinner fed my body's need for protein and my soul's hunger for comfort and food that tastes really good. 

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