Saturday, June 1, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 05-31-2024: Labs and a Happy Coincidence, Grocery Pick Up, Staying Still This Weekend

1. Christy picked me up at six this morning and drove me to the Sacred Heart Outpatient Health Center so I could get another set of labs completed. I got in almost immediately. It takes about thirty seconds to draw the vials of blood. Then, BOOM!, we were on our way back to the Silver Valley.

Later in the day, Nurse Angela called me about this blood work. Overall, with one exception, the numbers looked good today, so she told me to keep my medicine dosages the same. 

The one exception? My potassium numbers are a bit high. Nurse Angela ordered me a packet of Veltassa. It's a powder to mix with water. I drank one of these on Wednesday. 

It needs to be picked up at the Sacred Heart Pharmacy so I can take it as soon as possible.

Well, good fortune is shining on me once again!

Christy and Carol had planned a Saturday trip to Spokane to visit at least one nursery.

Now their outing will include a quick trip to Sacred Heart.

What a happy coincidence! 

2. Christy and I stopped at Walmart once we were back in the Valley and before we knew it a friendly employee rolled a cart of groceries out to us and loaded them in Christy's Sube. 

A little later in the day, I washed all the produce, cut up vegetables that needed that, and now it's all ready to be made into salads or cooked. We are pretty well stocked. 

3. I'm already taking it easy around the house, but this weekend I'm going to slow things down even more. For the first time, really, since leaving the ICU, my surgery site is a bit tender and I'm experiencing flashes of discomfort, but nothing sustained. I have no discomfort when walking, but feel some when I move certain ways or make certain reaches. 

This occasional discomfort is to be expected - that surgery site is tender and vulnerable -- and I'm glad that I can spend the weekend sitting or lying still much of the time and can give that area the calmness it needs to continue to heal. 

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