Saturday, June 29, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 06-28-2024: Covid Isolation Continues, Two Modest Improvements, Mustard Sauce on Pork

1. Debbie and I seemed to do fine spending another day in isolation from one another. We didn't talk much, but, while she was on the patio, I stuck my head out the back door and asked her how she was doing. She continues to have a cough, but, in her words, she doesn't feel terrible. And, as she added, "It could be worse." 

I was relieved to have another day without Covid symptoms. No fever. My vitals remain strong and stable. We'll continue to stay apart from each other for as long as we need to. 

2. I can imagine that the other good news I have to report may not seem like much, but every bit of improvement I experience is, for me, a big deal.

As I've repeated several times, in order to protect my surgical site and allow it to heal, I have to limit myself to very light lifting and not do any kind of twisting or reaching that strains my lower abdomen. 

Today, I thought through a plan how I could change the sheets on my bed, slowly, methodically, without putting any strain on myself. 

My plan worked! 

I added one more bit of self-reliance to my life after transplant, a most positive development. 

In addition, I know that Copper weighs more than the amount of weight I'm supposed to lift. 

Today, though, I figured out that if Copper is on my bed and I need to move him to the Vizio room, I can wrap my arms around him, hug him to my chest, and move him without really lifting him -- in contrast, say, to if I picked him up off the floor. 

I moved him using this method today and didn't feel any tug on my abdomen at all. 

Again, this might seem like a small thing, but it's huge for Copper and me, especially because his litter box is in the Vizio room and sometimes I need to move him there. 

3. I mixed up some Dijon mustard, hot mustard, crushed garlic, and honey in a small bowl and spread this sauce over boneless pork chops after I fried them and this modest experiment worked for both Debbie and me. I served us the pork with a side of corn, green beans, and white rice all mixed together. 


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