Thursday, June 13, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 06-12-2024: Negative Tests! Woo Hoo!, Medications Under Control, Great Take Out Dinner

1. I'm still going to follow Nurse Jenn's advice and not go to family dinner on Sunday. This kind of abundant caution won't last forever. But, really good news from Christy, Carol, and Paul: they all tested negative for the Covid virus! 

2. I welcomed having a ho-hum day today. If the day had a highlight, possibly it came when two of my medications arrived in the mail, further confirming that the complimentary service at the Sacred Heart pharmacy is very reliable. I was taken off one of these medications temporarily and put back on it Monday. I kept the pharmacy informed and then made a request via a voice message to have this medication refilled. They did it. Just like that. I am really happy I decided to manage my medications via this service. 

3. Debbie brought me a cheese steak sandwich with pasta salad and green salad from Radio Brewing. What an awesome treat! I welcomed a break from fixing dinner and was uplifted by how tasty this take out food turned out to be.  

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