Thursday, June 27, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 06-26-2024: Debbie Tests Positive, Regular Chicken Wings, Copper at 3 A.M.!

1. The isolation/separation continues in our house. Debbie tested positive this morning for Covid. I contacted the transplant team and I will follow their directive to remain isolated, as best I can, from Debbie in the house for seven days. I'm to take a test if I experience symptoms -- I haven't so far -- and I'm in high self-protection mode, spending most of my time in the bedroom where I sleep with the door closed and wearing a mask when I leave the room, whether Debbie is nearby or not. 

Fortunately, I won't have any problem occupying myself while isolated thanks to daily puzzles, blogging,  books, movies I can watch on my laptop, the NYTimes crossword archives, music, podcasts, and other things. 

2. Debbie has been spending most of her time on the patio and I continue to be our primary cook. Tonight, I baked regular (not party) chicken wings seasoned with lemon pepper and sesame seeds and served them with brown rice and corn kernels fried in butter.  

3. Copper spent Wednesday night with me. Being near each other is a great source of contentment for Copper (which in turn makes me content). What I don't quite understand yet, however, is why Copper starts yowling at 3 a.m.! It's like he has an inner alarm clock that goes off at that hour and he starts, as the vet calls it, vocalizing. 

Oh, well. 

If I get up and walk around a bit, it seems to settle him down. 

Maybe he wants some wet food. 

Last night I didn't rally myself to get him food -- maybe tonight I'll have more gumption and do so. 


We'll see. 

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