Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 06-18-2024: Safe Trip to Shoshone Glass, RIP Willie Mays, I Loved These Salmon Patties!

1. I assessed the situation. I know the waiting area at Shoshone Glass usually isn't very populated. I knew my wait would be under an hour. I'd wear face protection with a mask. Such rational assessment brought me to the conclusion that I'd be safe taking the Camry to Shoshone Glass to have a windshield chip repaired and waiting on site for the job to be completed. 

I'm happy to say my trip to Shoshone Glass worked out just like I anticipated. I was alone in the waiting area. The job took under an hour. I got to contribute to the smooth running of our household without taking much of a risk that I'd catch a bug. 

Another small step forward in my progress toward a gradually less restricted life! 

2. I found out today that my first (and almost only) major league idol, Willie Mays died. 

I read and hear athletes talk a lot about players they not only idolized, but that they emulated, patterning their own way of playing after the player(s) they looked up to when young. 

I idolized Willie Mays, followed his day to day performance in the baseball box scores, but I never even thought of trying to play like him.

Even at a young age, I knew some mortals live on a higher plane, breathe rarified air, are untouchable, and inimitable. 

Willie Mays was such a player for me. 

Looking back, I now think that although I could never hit, field, or throw like Willie Mays, it would have been wise for me to learn from and try to imitate his joy, his freedom as an athlete. 

I was a nervous athlete, stressed out by my nagging and sometimes overpowering fear of failure. 

This stress made playing sports, from Little League all the way through high school basketball, high school golf, American Legion baseball, and even men's slow pitch softball a nerve wracking experience and my anxiety affected my physical performance. 

Physically, I rarely played any sport with anything even approaching a sense of freedom and abandon -- certainly not the way Willie Mays did.

Had I thought to do it and had I, even in small ways, emulated Willie Mays' joy and abandon when I played, I would have enjoyed playing competitive sports a lot more than I did. 

Sidenote: As I write this reflection, I'm thinking that I did play with more ease and abandon in shirts vrs skins basketball battles at the YMCA. Yeah. There were times at the Y when I felt like an accomplished player. No wonder I enjoyed that action so much! 

3. As read handouts I received from the transplant team and work to figure out what foods are best for me right now, the benefits of eating fish keep coming up.

The other day, Debbie bought us a can of salmon and I began to yearn for salmon patties. 

So, this afternoon, I combined the can of salmon with mayonnaise, panko, fresh squeezed lemon juice, a beaten egg, dry dill, Dijon mustard, and thinly sliced green onions in a bowl and added salt and pepper. I formed this mixture into patties. I had already begun to boil some small potatoes and sliced a yellow squash. I seasoned the squash with garlic powder and tarragon. I fried the squash at the same time I fried the salmon patties and the potatoes were tender at about the same time I was done frying the patties and the squash. 

I served each of us a salmon patty on a bed of fresh spinach and Debbie and I both ate a potato or two and the squash as sides. 

This was a very satisfying meal, especially as it reminded me that I REALLY enjoy Bumble Bee canned salmon. I hadn't even thought about canned salmon for ages and now I hope I don't forget about it! 

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