Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 06-11-2024: An Abundance of Post-Transplant Caution, Linda and Mary Visit Us, Simple and Satisfying Dinner

1. It's important that I keep in mind that being 41/2 weeks out from kidney transplant surgery means that I have a few new liberties, if exercised cautiously, but, at the same time, the transplant is still new and the process of building back an immune system is young. Today, I learned from Carol that one of her and Christy's sorority sisters contracted Covid at the Tri-Delt reunion they attended over this past weekend. Christy, to a lesser degree, and Carol were in her company and potentially exposed. 

I have to avoid being around people who have Covid and I wondered if the same held true for being around anyone who has been exposed. I contacted Nurse Jenn and she recommended that I keep my distance from my sisters for about ten days following the exposure. 

Out of an abundance of caution, therefore, I will stay home from Sunday's Father's Day family dinner.

It's a bummer, but I agree with Nurse Jenn. I think it's best to play these things safe and I know I won't always be as vulnerable to contagion as I am right now. 

Oh, and by the way, so far, Christy and Carol are just fine. 

2. Out of the blue this afternoon, Linda Lavigne called me, reported that Mary Chase was paying her a visit, and they wondered if they could visit me. 

I concluded that if we kept some distance from each other and met on the patio, that, yes, it would be great to see them.

Back before the pandemic, Mary, Linda, Kathy and I spent quite a bit of time together, mostly playing trivia at different places around Spokane. Since then, Mary has moved to Gresham and Kathy has fallen very ill. To have a reunion with Mary and Linda today was very enjoyable and we had a good session getting caught up on some things and, within myself, I enjoyed the nostalgic feelings I had for the pre-pandemic fun we enjoyed together. 

I miss those few months when I, and sometimes Linda and I, would drive to Spokane, and play trivia.  Sometimes we did other things like go to Luna, go out to a movie, enjoy sushi together, and, on one occasion, Cathy and I went to an afternoon Zags women's basketball game and dinner afterward. That, too, was a lot of fun.

One result of these get togethers: when Cathy fell ill and could no longer care for Copper and Luna, the cats moved in with me! 

3. I fixed a very simple dinner for Debbie and me this evening. First, I mixed together plain yogurt, fresh lemon juice, and garlic. I used this mixture to put on top of filets of tilapia I fried and garnished the fish and sauce with sliced green onion. Alongside the fish, I served steamed Brussels sprouts, a favorite vegetable of ours. 

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