Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Three Beautiful Things 02/26/14: WR 115 Photography Project, Babes with Axes Memories, Goose Island's Lolita

1.  Today, the delayed-by-infection photography project got underway.  I walked from one end of the LCC campus to the other, from the Longhouse to the Art buildings, from the woodlands behind the south parking lot to the Performing Arts Building and the LCC track, taking portraits of my WR 115 students.  I loved taking the pictures.  I am happy with many, maybe even most, of them.  I experienced no pain in my left foot or big toe.  It might not be 100% healed, but it's not causing me pain and I did a ton of really pleasant walking today.

2.  Once the Deke and I got together and married, I went to almost every show the Babes with Axes performed.  Today I had the car and the album W.O.W!  Live Babes! is in the cd player.  I played it and the music moved me to tears and laughter and stirred my deep admiration for the band and many  fantastic memories.  I'm eager to hear them again when they reunite on March 8 at the W.O.W. Hall. It'll be really fun.

3.  I picked up the Deke at Charlemagne and we decided to drop into 16 Tons South for a beer and I was delighted to see that Goose Island's Lolita was on tap.  It's a Belgian style raspberry wild/sour ale, aged in Cabernet Sauvignon barrels and I loved it, absolutely loved it. 

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