Monday, January 10, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 01/09/2022: Morning Glory Muffin, Talking About Material Things, Salmon Dinner with the Gibsons

1. I made a quick trip to the Market of Choice this morning to pick up a few things, highlighted by the Morning Glory muffin I enjoyed from their bakery, along with a cup of coffee. 

2. Colette, Bill, Diane, and I jumped on the ZOOM machine this afternoon and reconvened the Westminster Study Group. We had a sober and insightful discussion about what happens when parents die and leave their house and possessions behind for other family members to tend to. We discussed how thorny it all is, sharing experiences we've had, ones we've observed, and what might be coming in the future for those of us whose parents are alive presently.

It also got us talking about our belongings. Our discussion got me thinking that I need to help those who will survive my death by always paring down my possessions, working to leave as little behind as possible. 

3. Around 5:30, Debbie and I went up the hill behind where we are staying to the Gibsons' townhouse for a superb salmon dinner with a very tasty rice side dish and a fresh lettuce and sliced fruit salad. The food was awesome and our conversation with Steve and Debbie was incredible. We talked about music, playing music, old friends, family matters, family histories, the USA, books, and other wide ranging topics, all with intelligence and, when needed, good humor. It was a stimulating and heart warming evening, drawing upon our history as friends that goes back about twenty-five years. 

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