Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 04-05-2022: Chillin', Herbs and Oils Aplenty, Debbie and Steve at the Bier Stein BONUS: A Limerick by Stu

1. I slowed down a bit today and spent much of the morning and early afternoon at Anne's house taking it easy.

2. Debbie and I went out in the afternoon and looked around and purchased a few things at Mountain Rose Herbs Mercantile. It's a great shop, generously stocked with tinctures, essential oils, herbs, spices, seasonings, teas, and other such items -- a dream store for those of us who enjoy cooking.

3. While Debbie ran a couple other errands, I stopped in at Tap and Growler for a Hazy L IPA from Bale Breaker. Debbie finished her looking around and we motored up to the Bier Stein and met Steve and Debbie for some beer and food. I tried, and was very happy with, Deschutes' Neon Daydream, a lemon-y and not overly juicy Hazy IPA. I also ordered a thick and delicious BLT with a cup of beer soup and it was awesome.

We had a lot of fun yakkin' with Steve and Debbie about all kinds of stuff: music, family, travel, being out in the world more -- it was a great time. 

I had planned to go to the 8:30 Bluegrass Jam at Sam Bond's Garage this evening, but the combination of that thick sandwich, a few beers, and late night on Monday left me sleepy and tired and I stayed put and turned in for an early sleep instead. 

Hey! Stu is back with a limerick! Here it is:

Polka dots mixed with stripes can be sad. 
Clashing colors can also be bad. 
Cross some lines to make squares, 
Colors designate heirs. 
Yes Tartan is much more than plaid. 

National Tartan Day

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