Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 04-25-2022: David Writes Back, Business at Home, Family Dinner

1. David C. and I lived in Whitworth's Creative Writing theme dorm in the fall and both moved to the 20th Century U. S. History theme dorm in the spring. We spent a lot of time together, as I remember, talking about ideas, playing ping pong, listening to music, and enjoying other aspects of college life. David got in touch with me about a month ago and recently I wrote him an email telling him some of what I've been up to over the last 45 years or so and today I received a long email from him that fired me up. It included a group photo of our Creative Writing dorm members, a photo of the house David lives in now, and a ton of great biographical details, memories, and reflections upon things that mattered to us back in college and continue to matter to us all these years later. 

I look forward to continuing this correspondence.  A lot of memories I cherish returned, but, even better, I am fascinated by what our lives look like in 2022.

2. I nailed down when I take Copper and Luna to the vet and got an appointment to have the Camry serviced and, continuing in taking care of household business, enjoyed a great conversation with Debbie about our immediate future and some longer range matters. That conversation really has my mind doing a lot of gold medal level gymnastics. It's good.

3. The other day, Debbie came home with a bag of freshly baked bread rolls, baked by Meranda Tylluan whose business is called Stoneground Alchemy and who is the chef at The Bean.  These weren't dinner rolls, but were big enough to be scooped out to use as soup bowls. Yesterday, Debbie roasted a chicken, made a chicken stock, and then made a chicken soup which she later turned into a thicker cream of chicken soup. Today, she further baked those scooped out bread rolls and, for family dinner tonight, served the soup in the bread bowls for tonight's family dinner.  The soup was superb and the bread was unbelievably delicious. It's thrilling to know that such an accomplished baker is working here in town. 

We started our dinner with some cheese and crackers and I mixed Sazeracs for everyone. About the Sazeracs: I drank a shot of Pendleton's 1910 Rye Whiskey at The Lounge Saturday and enjoyed it so much  that I bought a fifth of it today, drank a couple of short pours this afternoon (and loved them), and used them as the foundation for tonight's cocktail and the 1910 Rye Whiskey totally performed.

Christy graced our table with a bottle of white wine and a bottle of rose (rozay) and Carol, Paul, and Molly contributed a fresh fruit salad. 

Conversation during dinner traveled all over the universe. I established that I'd rather be clubbed in the forehead by an aluminum bat swung by Ken Griffey, Jr. than participate in trying to get out of an Escape Room. Christy, Carol, and I made plans for our Saturday trip to Orofino. Paul and I stepped out back and discussed some stuff about the patio he'll be putting in.

Oh! And Debbie reached into one of our freezer drawers and pulled out a box of Fatboy ice cream sandwiches, the perfect dessert.

Great food. Good cheer. Laughter. Plans. 

A splendid family dinner! 

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