Thursday, April 21, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 04-20-2022: Easy Scenic Drive, Beer and Whiskey, Asian Food

1. Ed and I left the Silver Valley around 7:30, stopped off at the Breakfast Nook in CdA for great plates of food, and then took the scenic route to the Wildhorse Resort, passing through Tekoa, Oaksdale, Dayton, Dixie and other towns on the way to Walla Walla and then made our way on south to the resort. 

2. We met up with Mike, got checked into our rooms, and had an awesome time at the sports bar chillin' over a couple of beers before playing some machines and meeting up later in Mike's room to yak some more over our traditional Wildhorse spirit: Toasted Caramel Black Velvet Whiskey. 

3. We met in the food court close to the Cinemax and I ordered a delicious Cambodian wide noodle dish accompanied by a delicious, tall glass of Thai Tea. Over food, our tall tales continued to grow. 

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