Saturday, April 30, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 04-29-2022: Another Moving Whitworth Connection, Yakkin' at the Lounge, Roasted Vegetables

1. I don't think I've ever written this before, but now I will: from 1980-82, in Eugene, OR,  the best conversations I had were with Deb A., a fellow Whitworth grad who came to the U of Oregon to work on an MFA degree. Those conversations stretched me as Deb gently and intelligently helped me understand any number of things I was ignorant about. 

Until I talk with Deb some day (I hope) and try to tell her in some detail about the impact of those conversations, I'm going to keep this comment general and vague. My gratitude for her friendship came back to me today because Deb messaged me on Facebook about comments I wrote about the Creative Writing theme dorm I was a part of my senior year at Whitworth. Two years later, Deb was also in a Creative Writing theme dorm. I was a volunteer teaching assistant for that dorm.  Deb didn't know that the dorm she was in was not the first Creative Writing theme dorm.  We got that straightened out, indulged ourselves in some sweet Whitworth nostalgia, and while our messaging to each other ended, my memories of having great conversations with Deb got triggered and I glowed for a while remembering how much I enjoyed all we talked about and all I learned from her. 

2.  Late this afternoon, Debbie and I buzzed up to the Inland Lounge to say hello to Cas. To our surprise, Ed was there and we had a great time yakkin'. Ed had to take off and Debbie and I had some time to ourselves and we had a great talk about all sorts of things. It was relaxing, sometimes funny, and most enjoyable. 

3. We arrived home, safe and sound, and Debbie got out vegetables she had peeled and chopped into chunks. She roasted them and we enjoyed a very comforting dinner. 


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