Monday, April 25, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 04-24-2022: Quordle Fever, Writing to Friends, Mystery Naps

 1. I have a lot of fun working the Wordle puzzle in the morning and now I've discovered Quordle. It's a four words in nine tries puzzle. Quordle offers one puzzle a day for the sake of statistics (which I don't pay attention to), but makes practice games available and I got into an almost obsessive Quordle practice game groove today and it was fun.

2. Before I went kind of Quordle crazy, I got caught up on some correspondence and wrote a thank you card. I have had writing to these friends on my mind much of this month, but then I'd get occupied with other things and forget to write them, making me think keeping to do lists might be a good idea.

3. I'm not sure why, but in-between Quordle practice games and writing to friends, I fell asleep several times. Possibly, I needed some more sleep after traveling to Pendleton. Possibly the naps were a way for me to check out, not think about what lies ahead, what things I'd like to get done. I really don't know why I kept falling asleep -- what I do know is that I enjoyed it! 

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