Thursday, February 16, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 02-15-2023: Cardboard Recycling, Snack at The Beanery, Easing into a Walking Routine

 1. Debbie ordered a new couch and it came in a big cardboard box. I broke it down and took it as a sign that I should go to the dump today. I had a few broken down boxes in the garage. Christy had some cardboard and a bag of packing materials that I added to my little load and I took it all the the Shoshone Transfer Station. It makes me way too happy, this compulsion of mine to keep cardboard from piling up in our garage. 

2. Earlier, I bought Copper and Luna a bag of their Kidney Care dry cat food and I scheduled them both for annual exams next week. On my way home, I stopped at The Beanery for a delicious snack: a peaches and cream Danish and a pint sized double latte.

3. Last week, I went for a walk and, even though it wasn't terribly long, it was evidently too much. My back was seized up for the next two or three days. Today, I restarted a walking routine, but I took it much easier. I walked for about ten minutes. I strolled a short distance on the Trail of the CdAs and then walked east on Bunker Ave, south on Hill, and back to the Sube, parked on Railroad Ave. I got in nearly 4,000 steps for the day with other stuff I did. My back survived. I'll head out again on Thursday and gradually try to work up to longer walks and more steps. 

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