Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 03-07-2023: More Transplant Testing Soon, HelloFresh Paninis, Columbo Outfoxes a Movie Director

1. I have known, since 2015, when my transplant readiness was first tested, that, as a result of having been exposed to a significant blast of sulfur dioxide in a Zinc Plant flash roaster in 1973, I live with the presence of bronchiectasis in my lungs. Back in 2019, the doctors in the Sacred Heart program wanted to know more about this presence before approving me for a transplant and sent me to see Dr. Robert Scoggins, a pulmonary specialist in CdA. Four year ago, Scoggins determined that while the presence of bronchiectasis in my lungs might increase my chances of post-transplant infection, the risk wasn't enough to keep me from being transplanted.

On February 2nd, I went to Sacred Heart for bloodwork, X-rays, ultrasounds, EKG, and a scan. When the doctors read the result of the abdomen scan, they reported "slight progression extensive bronchiectasis and chronic bronchiolitis in the lung base".

Transplant nurse Tara called me on Monday telling me that the transplant program is sending me back to Dr. Scoggins so that he can read the Feb. 2nd scan, do some further testing, and submit his assessment of my readiness for a transplant.

So, Dr. Scoggins' people will contact me to make an appointment and we'll see where this goes. 

(By the way, I'm not experiencing symptoms related to broncheictasis in any pronounced way. I am not coughing chronically (just occasionally) nor am I experiencing the other problems associated with this ailment.)

2. Our next HelloFresh box arrived Monday. Debbie, with my full approval, switched our order to vegetarian, and tonight I fixed the first of two dinners packed in the box.

We enjoyed our grilled zucchini, mozzarella, sun-dried tomato, and creamy parsley sauce panini accompanied by roasted Italian-seasoned potato wedges. All I had to do was slice the potatoes, drizzle oil over them, season them, and put them in the oven for about 25 minutes.  While they roasted, I chopped up the parsley and the sun-dried tomatoes, sliced the zucchini into rounds. and halved the ciabatta rolls. I combined the parsley with sour cream, mayonnaise, and garlic powder in a bowl, and spread this sauce on one half of each of the rolls. On top of the sauce I piled the tomatoes, some mozzarella cheese, and, once cooked, the zucchini rounds. I then grilled these sandwiches until each side of the roll was golden and the cheese had melted. 

I took the potato wedges out of the oven, halved the sandwiches, plated this food, and Debbie and I enjoyed a delicious and filling dinner. 

3. I mixed Debbie a couple of rye whiskey sidecars when she arrived home and after dinner we watched Columbo outsmart a young, ambitious, egotistical, ruthless, amoral, homicidal movie director. It was exquisite watching Columbo turn this guy inside out and turning the director's movie making expertise against him. 

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