Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 03-21-2023: I Left the House, Fun Ravioli Dinner, *Columbo* Gives Soap Opera a Whirl

1. I wear a Dr. Scholl's insert in my left shoe. By removing it, I was able to shoehorn my left foot with the inflamed toe into my shoe and go out into the world and get a few things done. I bought kidney care cat food at the vet's office. I went to Beach Bum Bakery and bought sesame bagels, a baguette, and an almond mini-scone. I hobbled into the Beanery for a latte. I returned home, enjoyed my scone and latte, and ventured back out for a quick purchase at the liquor store and to buy a couple of items at Yoke's. I concluded my first day out in the world for nearly a week by running the Camry through the Silver Valley Tire car wash.

2. It didn't take much to fix a mighty delicious meal from HelloFresh this evening. I started by cutting a yellow pepper in half and removing the core and the seeds and, along with a quartered tomato, roasting them in the oven for about 10-12 minutes. I drizzled olive oil over them and seasoned them with salt and pepper.

I put on a pot of salted water to boil. I dropped a package of spinach ricotta raviolis into the water. 

I cooked a thinly sliced clove of garlic in oil and then added vegetable stock concentrate, pasta water, sour cream, Parmesan cheese, fresh lemon juice, and butter to make a sauce. 

I drained the ravioli. I removed the pepper and tomato from the oven and thinly slice the pepper halves and added the tomato and pepper to the sauce. 

After I transferred the drained ravioli to the pot, I poured the sauce over the ravioli, and presto! Debbie and I enjoyed Creamy Lemon Spinach Ricotta Ravioli with Bell Pepper and Parmesan.

3. Lt. Columbo did some unusual detective work, including a close examination of women's panties, in order to nail a womanizing, lying, manipulative, nowhere man for murder. Of all the Columbo episodes I've ever seen, this one was among the most outrageous. It was as if Columbo met All My Children or Dallas and the Columbo writers decided to push this story deep into soap opera land. 

I enjoyed how its absurd turns and melodramatic acting made me laugh and was very happy that I'm not a Columbo purist. I'm not sure the purists would be able to laugh at this episode and surrender to its outrageous plot line and overdrawn characters. 

What a gas! 

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