Sunday, March 19, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 03-18-2023: My Angry Toe Improves, Why I Enjoy Placing a Few Bets, Debbie Prepares Corned Beef

1. My memory tells me that one of my big toes gets inflamed, usually because of a shoe or shoe insert problem, about once every 18-24 months. In looking over the archives of this blog, I confirmed that my memory is correct. I also found my description of having seen one of the three doctors I've consulted.  She (like the others) was mystified by this occasional reoccurrence and advised me to do just what I've been doing since Thursday: ice my toe, elevate it, and drink plenty of fluids. It works! It requires some patience. 

I'm pretty sure, drawing upon my past experiences, that this latest episode is almost over. I'll stay home another day on Sunday, the fourth day of this go around with angry toe syndrome, and hope that on Monday I can get back out and enjoy some walking and run some errands in CdA.

2. Okay. Here's what's good about entering three brackets in Doug and Sharann's pool and making seven wagers at the Caesar Sports Book at the Spokane Tribe Casino: it's social. It's fun being in this pool with Mary Lynn, Roger, Terry, Ron Romine, and others and it's fun to see how our different brackets are working out. (By the way, none of my brackets is on the leader board Doug posted on Sunday morning.)

It was also a blast to go to the casino with Byrdman and sit in Caesar's luxury chairs (I feel asleep in one at Northern Quest's sports book a year ago!) and ponder the tournament, make a few bets, and yak over two buck glasses of Amber Ale.

Right now, out of my seven wagers, two are done: Purdue and Kansas both lost.

Debbie put it very well yesterday when she said to me, in a neutral, objective voice, without recrimination, "You're not very good a gambling, are you?"

I owned up to that! 

But, I admit, I enjoy having a little skin in the game and enjoy talking with my buddies about how we're all doing. If it weren't for the social fun of it all, I wouldn't do it. 

3. I stayed home today with ice packs and Debbie headed out to the store and, among other items, she brought home a chunk of corned beef. She slowly cooked it for a few hours and as a side dish she mashed potatoes with some Greek yogurt and put the spring cabbage I made Monday into the spuds. 

It was a simple and exquisitely delicious meal. 

She also bought a container of Simply Cranberry Cocktail Juice and mixed us each a couple of superb drinks: Cranberry Juice, gin, and Cointreau. I'm elated to have this cocktail in our rotation. 

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