Friday, May 31, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 05-30-2024: Acceptance and Tranquility, Chicken Wings and Maryland Memories, Leave the Shopping to Walmart

1. I might have written this same sentiment when I was so cautious and spent so much time indoors to avoid exposure to Covid: it's a good thing I don't get antsy or stir crazy. I'm not a wall crawler if I stay indoors. I was content today to get caught up on NYTimes crossword puzzles, to nap, to make salads, and take it easy. 

If I'm eager about anything currently, it's to keep my activity under control so that the surgery site can heal. I don't want setbacks. Taking it easy now will help me kick into more vigorous action sooner than later, but it's going to be a while. 

It's no use fighting this inactivity with restlessness and impatience. 

My body needs me to be accepting and tranquil.

2.  To help build tissue and repair what was damaged by the May 11th's surgery, I have greatly increased the amount of protein I eat. Early this evening, I fried a package of party chicken wings. I didn't eat every wing I cooked, but I could have! The wings were almost naked, but I flavored them a bit with Old Bay Seasoning, reminding me of the Old Bay wings Debbie and I enjoyed on occasion at the Old Line Bistro in Beltsville, MD -- may that glorious watering hole and source of joy in our lives rest in peace. 

3. With Debbie working and with me unable to drive, it's been a huge help that Walmart instituted the option for customers to shop online and then drive to the store and have the groceries delivered to the car. Debbie and I worked together to submit a list of groceries this evening and when Christy drives me to Spokane for labs Friday morning, we will pick up the order on our return trip. 

This option was a boon for Christy, too, following her second knee replacement surgery. 

I'm very grateful that we have this service available here in the Silver Valley.

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