Friday, July 12, 2013

Three Beautiful Things 07/11/13: Perfect Look Flower Talk, Visit with the Doctor, Dinner for Eight

1.  I got my hair trimmed at Perfect Look today and I really lucked out:  the woman who cut my hair loves to grow flowers and we had a great talk about hostas, Shasta daisies, cone flowers, cosmos, butterfly bushes, and a host of other flowers.  So not only did she cut my hair exactly as I wanted it, our conversation was great.

2.  My kidney doctor is really good about taking straight with me about things as they stand now and what I might expect in the future.  We had a really good talk which I summarize, here.

3.  Fixing a dinner for eight at St. Mary's, serving it, clearing off the table, running the steamy dishwasher, and cleaning the surfaces in the kitchen this afternoon and evening was made about 900% more pleasant today than yesterday because it was a much cooler day outside.  I don't want to sit at a dinner and talk with people about the parish hall/kitchen remodel, but I sure enjoy making the food for those who do want to have this conversation with Father Bingham Powell.

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