It's not really Jack and Dan's that's the image of happiness.
Yes. I've had some good times there. Dad and I watched Marquette defeat the University of North Carolina at Charlotte on Jerome Whitehead's last second lay up back on March 26, 1977 at Jack and Dan's. Dad went to his grave believing UNCC got jobbed, that there was no way Whitehead could have caught the length of the court pass from Butch Lee; it was tipped slightly by Cornbread Maxwell, Whitehead captured it, dribbled once, jumped, and made a lay up. Dad and I nearly spilled our beers all over the little table near the small screen television at Jack and Dan's.
By 1984, when Dad and I stopped in at Jack and Dan's at about 11 a.m. on St. Patrick's Day, Jack and Dan's was just beginning to become a shrine to Jack's son John Stockton. His playing days at Gonzaga had just ended. No, the big deal that day was either KHQ or KREM or KXLY shot footage of people drinking green beer and Dad and I were on the evening news that night, drinkin'.
I snapped the picture I posted above back on March 30, 2007.
It was lunch. My sisters and I were in the midst of a Sibling Outing, a natural outgrowth of our Sibling Assignments.
We wanted to have an outing all on our own. Up until March 30, 2007, family outings had involved as many family members as possible and we decided to have one on our own, just the three of us.
We had coffee at the old Doma Coffee Shop in Coeur d'Alene, drove by grandma's in Spokane, lunched at Jack and Dan's, had a shopping spree at Huckleberry's.
But what we did was secondary. We were simultaneously going back in time and cherishing the present, laughing and getting sentimental about things we'd done in Spokane, but enjoying being middle aged and together, close, eager to be together.
I hope one day to live in North Idaho again, close to my sisters.
That would make me happy.
I'm tired of going months without seeing them.
I want more Sibling Outings and more laughs and more sentimental times.
That would make me happy.
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