Monday, January 2, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 01/01/17: Yellow Corn Grits, Party at DC Brau, Party at the Diazes

1. Maybe I'll make those fluffy buttermilk pancakes another time. This morning I went a whole different direction and fixed yellow corn grits cereal and folded fried bacon and grease into the pot and ate it with real maple syrup poured lightly over the top.

2. A little bit late in the afternoon, the Deke and I hopped in the Sube and drove to the outer reaches of our Nation's Capital and visited DC Brau. We had a great party. I drank little samplers of Corruption IPA, Alpha Domina Mellis 2IPA, On the Wings of Armegeddon Imperial IPA, Penn Quarter Porter. These little samplers got be back into the tasty world of DC Brau, having been absent for nearly two months. Then the Deke and I split a couple full pours of On the Wings of Armageddon, much to our delight. The Deke knitted. We had relaxed conversation. Soon we were the only customers left at about 6:00 and we closed out with a great conversation with beer pourers Leah and Mike about beer in Oregon, beer in D.C., and the wonders of beer as a source of deep pleasure for all of us.  Again, this was a great party.

3. Patrick spent the night over at the Diazes and wanted to stay another night, so the Deke and I drove his stuff over to him so he'd have it for his flight out on Monday. We walked into a good party at the Diazes. Hiram's brother, Alejandro, was there with Teresa, a friend from Pittsburgh, and along with Molly and Hiram and Patrick they were having fun talking and laughing about all kinds of stuff and the Deke and I popped in and then popped out after the children went to bed, happy to get back to our apartment home, knowing that it was getting too late for us to keep up with the wit, wise cracks, and stories of the more vigorous younger members the family.

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