Thursday, January 5, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 01/04/17: Breaking the Inertia, Craft Beer Club, Spicy Stir-fried Eggplant

1. I have to say that I often tend more toward inertia than springing into action and I was happy with myself that I went to the pool again today and flopped around for an hour and got in some solid exercise and stretching.

2. Patrick, Molly, and Adrienne went in together and gave the Deke and me a very thoughtful and fitting combined birthday gift: a three month membership in a craft beer club. The club sends a box of twelve bottles of beer a month, two brewers, three bottles of four different kinds of beer. Upon arriving home from work, the Deke enjoyed some Calicraft (of San Jose) Oaktown Brown Ale. I took a taste and it is a toasty and tasty beer. While I fixed dinner, I tried Calicraft's Cali Coast Kolsch -- a light, citrusy, and flavorful German style. I love Kolsch beer, rarely buy it, and this was a treat -- what am I saying? All the beers were a treat. They were brewed by brewers we'd never tried before and in styles we rarely buy for home consumption. I also enjoyed O'Fallon's Westport Wheat, brewed in Maryland Heights, Missouri. It's another light beer, easy to drink, and full of flavor.  It's easy to think great complex flavors are only found in IPAs and tonight we were reminded that it's fun to drink other styles and enjoy their unique and full flavors, too.

3. Today, the time had come. I was itching to cook up some eggplant. I wanted something Thai, but not curry. I found recipe for Spicy Stir-fried Eggplant that looked like it would contain layers of sweetness, oyster, and heat and so I cooked it up, served it over basmati rice, and the Deke and I wished I had made more. We loved it. If you'd like to check out this quick and mighty way to prepare eggplant, the recipe is here.

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