Monday, January 9, 2017

Three Beautiful Things 01/08/17: Airport Drive, Deep Sleep, Back Home

1.  About 8 o'clock, Adrienne, Alex, and I piled into the Sube and I drove them to the Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport so they could fly to Chicago. Fortunately, right around Greenbelt, we haven't been assaulted by any lasting snowstorms, let alone ice storms. The trip up and back was easy.

2. The Deke drove Jack over to the Diazes and she decided to stay over there until I drove over later in the day, so I had our apartment home to myself and I took Maggie and Charly into our bedroom, where they are quiet and love to rest with me, and I crashed into a long, deep, satisfying, log-sawing, z-catching, at once paralyzing and reviving nap. I am hard-pressed to remember a better one.  It turns out that the Deke did the same thing over at the Diazes -- a day of rest, indeed.

3. I gathered up containers of the chicken rice soup I made on Saturday and blasted over to the Diazes where cousins Jack, Olivia, and David were exhilarated to be together and were playing hard, filling the house with the laughter, screams, and occasional disagreements. Ana is still a little young to join in.  I was happy that the adults enjoyed the soup and Molly and I had fun talking about soup making and soon the Deke and I headed back to our quiet apartment home, leaving Jack to spend the night with his cousins. I relaxed with a bottle of Zeke's Pale Ale from O'Fallon's Brewery. It came in our beer club box earlier in the week and this was the only one of the four styles of beer included that I hadn't tried yet. I enjoyed this beer, meaning that I enjoyed all four styles in this month's box -- the Kolsch, the wheat beer, the brown ale, and the pale ale.

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