Sunday, January 8, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 01-07-2023: We Keep Moving In, Art Education, Meeting the Commissioner

 1. In a way, we are still moving into our house in Kellogg. We've replaced the dining table. We are trying out a new coffee table. We are looking at putting up a small cabinet in the bathroom. We continued working on all of this today, especially Debbie, who is, thank goodness, the assembler of things that come to us in pieces. My primary contribution is to break down cardboard, bag styrofoam, and take broken down cardboard boxes to the transfer station's recycling bin. 

2. Over at the watering hole we used to call the Depot but is now part of The Beanery, but might still be called the Depot (I can't keep it straight), proprietor Sarah, a former school teacher, had some children's books for Debbie. So Debbie and I dropped in and I tried a margarita made with pomagranite liqueur, triple sec, tequila, and lime juice and enjoyed it a lot. Debbie and I yakked about introducing children to works of art and artists and I remembered what a lasting impact it had on me that at Sunnyside I had teachers who showed us paintings of masters and we studied them and wrote about them. This part of my elementary education got way inside me so that one of the things I love to do when visiting a city is to go to art galleries. I thought a lot while sipping the pom margarita how much I miss being able to zip to the DC Mall and pop into the National Gallery.

3. Debbie and I enjoyed an early evening (not night) cap at The Lounge and Cas introduced me to our fantasy baseball league commissioner, Matt. As Matt and I got to yakkin', he told me that Mom was his second grade teacher, that Carol and April used to babysit him, and that he used to go to Dirty Ernie's on the December nights when Dad served Tom and Jerrys and how much he enjoyed them. 

Debbie and I yakked with others, too, before we headed home where I popped us a batch of popcorn and we finished listening to the podcast, Ultra, a sobering reminder that there's little new under the sun in the USA. It's not that history repeats itself. Things continue.  

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