Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 01-23-2023: All-Class Reunion Registration Update, More *Bundyville*, Simple Pleasures

 1. Early today, the original deadline still held. Early registration for the 2023 Kellogg High School All-Class Reunion (July 21-23) ended on Feb. 1. Therefore, I thought today would be a good day to update my Class of 72 email list and then send out an email to my classmates and make sure they all had registration forms. 

So, I did that. 

And, then, just after I clicked the send button, an email floated into my inbox announcing that the committee extended the early registration deadline to March 1st.

So, I sent out a follow up email updating the early registration deadline. 

2. I continued to listen to the Bundyville podcast by Leah Sottile and continue to try to understand the experience and thinking that underpins the Bundy's (and their followers') impassioned opposition to the federal government and their commitment to ideas like sovereignty and tyranny. 

3. I've been enjoying some simple pleasures this month. I start every morning in a way that not only wakes me up, but gives me pleasure. First, I take my medicine with a small glass of orange juice. Next, I heat up milk in a sauce pan and fix myself a cup of coffee that is half coffee and half hot milk. Later today, in that spirit, I fixed a simple pleasure dinner. I fixed two small salami sandwiches with white cheddar cheese and mustard, ate a small helping of potato chips, and a two small dill pickles. I poured Coca Cola over ice and enjoyed it. 

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