Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 01-16-2023: Taking it Easy, Comfort Food for Debbie, *Slow Burn* Podcast -- Clinton's Impeachment

1. I learned several years ago when, on two occasions, I ignored being ill and tried to push through it and worked hard, acting as if I were stronger than illness. Both times, I ended up in the hospital. Since that time, I haven't messed around with feeling ill, no matter how mild. So, Saturday evening and on into Sunday, as I developed a cough, felt fatigued, and started sneezing, I took it easy, napping and just not doing much.

Today, I felt better. but I've learned over the years that when I feel better, that's when I really need to take it easy. 

Therefore, I decided to stay home from tonight's All-Class Reunion Committee meeting, a disappointment.

2. Debbie came home feeling fatigued and a little bit sick and asked me to go to Yoke's and bring her home some chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy from the Yoke's deli. This meal comforted Debbie, made her very happy, and she went to bed early after we watched an episode of Perry Mason.

3. Rather than reading myself to sleep, I've decided to go to sleep listening to audio files. I downloaded the book, The Agony and the Ecstasy, a book I loved reading for Dr. Duvall my senior year at Whitworth. I fell asleep, but enjoyed what I heard.

I woke up a little later and couldn't sleep.

I decided to listen to Season 2 of Slow Burn. Debbie and I listen to Season 1 a few years ago. It investigated the 1972 break-in at the Watergate Complex and the aftermath, leading to Richard Nixon's resignation. 

Season 2 of Slow Burn explores the impeachment of Bill Clinton. In the episodes I've listen to so far, the focus has been divided between Bill Clinton's history of scandals (Whitewater, Travelgate, the death of Vincent Foster, and others) and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky and the feds investigation of her role in their affair. 

It's a fascinating and unsettling podcast -- and a good one to listen to when I can't quite get to sleep late at night. 

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