Thursday, January 4, 2007

Attitude Adjustment: Our Eugene Neighborhood (Part 1)

I can be snarky about Eugene, especially when I've just returned from Kellogg. So, to improve my attitude, I decided to photograph the blendedness of our neighborhood. Every picture in this series was taken within a five minute walk of our front door.

Within five minutes of my front door are some decent places to eat.

You can buy fish prepared or raw here:

You can drink fine tequila, eat Latin American food, and buy strings of chili pepper lights here:

Taco Loco used to be at this location, and now it's inhabited by another Central American restaurant:

Next door to it is a cafe with wonderful burritos and other dishes prepared fast and very tasty. I had to cross a huge prejudicial barrier to go to it because I thinks its name is insipid. I'm glad I let down, though.

Of course, if you want a quick double decker taco, you can't beat:

And who could resist a dessert and coffee/tea spot called:

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