Sunday, February 28, 2010

Three Beautiful Things 02/27/10: Westminster Pipes, Sleep, Brilliance to Wisdom

1. The pipes in Westminster's basement clanged and whistled today as the basement heated up with great conversations, stark honesty, wisdom, and invigorating stories.

2. I've slept through the last two nights without coughing spells and without weird dreams that had me calling out random stuff and saying weird things to Snug. He sure takes it well though. I woke up the other night intensely repeating, "But you've got to get the language've got to get the language right.." and he looked up at me, gave a little snort, yawned, rolled over, and went back to sleep. At least I didn't shake him awake and say, "But it's true Snug. You've got to get the language right. Really. Get it right. The language."

3. I never dreamed I'd get to experience the brilliance of former Whitworth students mature into wisdom. I never doubted it would happen, but I'm witnessing it. It moves me.

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