Friday, February 27, 2015

Three Beautiful Things 02/26/15: Snow Day, Ready to Roll, Perfect Soup

1.  Here's what I don't like about this cold weather and today's snow day:  it cuts into my developing walking routine.  I keep believing that I'll get back to it soon because, damn it, it can't stay cold forever.  Here's what I like:  the Deke had a snow day today and so we go to lounge around our apartment home and work on getting things done and enjoying each other's company.

2.  What did I get done?  Well, with my March 2nd appointment at the Transplantation Center looming, I made photcopies of all my recent medical records so that when I take these records to Baltimore, if they want to keep them, it's no sweat.  I also divided my records into a few categories and folders and if I had to walk out of my apartment home today and show up in Baltimore in an hour, I'd be ready.  (We also have a hotel room reserved for Sunday night.)

3.  Yeah.  That mushroom barley carrot celery onion garlic spinach soup was perfect, especially on a cold day spent mostly indoors.

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