Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 07-04-2022: Napping with Copper and Luna, Holiday Hot Dog Dinner, Luna and Copper Endure the Booms and Blasts

 1. Copper was more insistent than ever that I release him from the Vizio room after Gibbs and Debbie had come down from upstairs. He wants to be in the bedroom on the ground floor, but he has a history of not always using the litter pan in that room, leaving solid, rarely liquid, waste on the bed. He doesn't do this if I'm in the room, by the way. He doesn't do this in any other room in the house. 

I gave in.

I got out a pretty ratty blanket and covered the bed with it and l left Copper and Luna alone with the door closed in the bedroom.

Copper, with my help, crawled into the canvas laundry bag I keep in the bedroom closet.

Copper did not relieve himself outside the litter pan. 

Early in the afternoon, I decided to take a nap and joined Copper and Luna.

Copper came out of the laundry bag and joined me.

Luna took advantage of me being able to sleep on my back when I nap and settled in on my chest and under my chin, a welcome and comforting weight. 

It was a great scene. 

I was happy. Copper and Luna were happy. We all slept for a while. 

It was peaceful.

2. When it came time to scoot over to Carol and Paul's house for our 4th of July hot dog dinner, I put Copper and Luna back in the Vizio room. I didn't want to push my luck, even with the ratty blanket on the bed.

We had a relaxing and simple holiday dinner. Paul grilled hot dogs. We had plenty of potato chips and Cheetos. Debbie made a cool and tasty cucumber and tomato salad. There were leftovers available from Carol's birthday party. We also had plenty of soft drinks.

I think we all knew that Molly had been spending time out and about with a man named Ryan. At some point while we were sitting and eating and yakking on the patio, Ryan arrived and we met him. Turns out that Ryan is traveling back east in August to help memorialize his grandmother in Nova Scotia and, while away, will watch the Yankees play the Red Sox in Fenway Park. It was fun talking with Ryan a bit about the Red Sox, especially teams in the past, and I enjoyed talking about what major league parks Ryan and I have visited over the years. 

3. Debbie and I didn't stick around until it got dark to watch local fireworks being put off in Kellogg. In fact, once home, I liberated Copper and Luna from the Vizio room again and we all hunkered down in the bedroom while all the booms and blasts went off all around us. Copper and Luna didn't freak out. Copper spent some time under the bed, but mostly he, like Luna, stayed close to me. Sometimes Luna slid under the covers. Other times she cuddled close to me. Copper never wants to make full body contact with me, but she lay close enough to me that I could pet her or lay a reassuring hand on her back.

The booms and blasts ended at a reasonable time and Copper, Luna, and I settled into a pretty restful night. Luna was occasionally restless, but I've learned how to respond to what she wants and helped relax her. 

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