Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 07-18-2022: Hall of Fame of Great Guys Convenes at Elmer's, Hammerhead and Recuperation, Pork Stroganoff

 1. I revved up the Camry and swooshed out to Kingston, picked up Ed, and soon we landed at Elmer's on Appleway in Coeur d'Alene for breakfast with a superb representation of members of the Hall of Fame of Great Guys. Stu had organized this breakfast, but then he fell ill. We missed him, but carried on, and the following HOFGG members (and I) came together in a back room at Elmer's that we had all to ourselves:

Ed Hanson
Mike Stafford
Ron Jacobs
Bruce Larsen
Jim Byrd
Craig Burkhart
Roger Pearson 
Terry Turner 

We had an uproarious time swapping stories, sharing memories, getting details from the past straightened out as best we could, telling each other what we're up to now, and simply enjoying each other's company. I've known every one of these guys for over 50 years and some for over 60 years and it was a blast to be sitting at a table together and relishing one another's company! 

2. After we ate, Terry pulled a gift for me out of his cooler in the back of his pickup: a four pack of McMenamin's Hammerhead Ale in tall boy cans. Oh! My! I might have written this before, but this weekend with Don having brought me a generous supply of Heidelberg and with Terry giving me these Hammerheads, I have two awesome beer drinking experiences in my future I never thought I'd have in Idaho! For one, I never thought I'd see Heidelberg beer again (and it's back! in Tacoma!) and, two, Hammerhead is only available at McMenamin outlets located in western Oregon and Washington State and I just figured I'd always have to wait until I made a trip west to enjoy this best of pale ales again. 

You might think that since I'm so fired up about having Hammerhead in my possession that I must have popped one open as soon as I returned home.

No. I came home and went straight to bed!

It's been quite a while since I've had as much go on in my life over four days as I experienced over this reunion weekend and I needed to catch up on more sleep!

My nap was blissful. 

I was happy to have had all the fun I had that tired me out a bit and I savored today's time of further recuperation.

3. I had slow cooked a pork shoulder on Friday to take to our reunion get together up the North Fork on Saturday. It turned out, though, that we had enough leftovers from Friday's party that I didn't need to take the pork to Sharon's place. In the meantime, Debbie found a recipe for pork stroganoff and she fixed it today with egg noodles and it was a perfect way to turn that roast into a delicious meal. 

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