Monday, July 18, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 07-17-2022: Winding Down, Debbie Accepts a Teaching Position, Dinner at Rose Lake

 1. After such a flurry of reunion fun on Friday and Saturday, I rested today. Even though I was tired, that was primarily because I had a short night's sleep -- I'm not used to staying at The Lounge until closing time! I enjoyed how the reunion continued through the day as classmates began posting pictures, writing comments on Facebook, and expressing gratitude for such a fun weekend. 

2. I also posted on Facebook today that Debbie has accepted an offer to teach third grade at Pinehurst Elementary School this coming year. Debbie loves working with children and, if you read this blog much, you know that she has seized several opportunities since we moved to Kellogg to teach as a sub in Eugene and in Kellogg. After some deliberation, so that she could work with children more and work within the structure of a school day, she decided to apply for a position. She interviewed and, later on, the principal offered her this job. 

For those of you unfamiliar with Kellogg's school district, most of the elementary students in the district go to Pinehurst. They bus to the school from Wardner, Kellogg, Smelterville, Pine Creek, Elk Creek, Big Creek, Elizabeth Park, Montgomery Gulch, Page, Pinehurst, Kingston, and other parts of western Shoshone County.  In the far west part of the district, there's one other elementary school. (When people my age were kids, the district had, I think, seven elementary schools.)

The Pinehurst Elementary school building is about 5.5 miles from our house. Debbie can be to work in 10 minutes or so -- it'll take longer when the roads get snowy and icy in the winter. 

So that's the latest news from our home! 

3. Around 4 o'clock or so, Debbie and I piled into the Sube and rocketed out to Jake and Carol Lee's house on Rose Lake. Mike S., Terry T, Bruce L, and Jake played golf until about 4:00 with Rod Plank and Roger P. and, along with Ed, we all got together for a delicious dinner afterward. We enjoyed grilled slices of marinated flank steak, cheesy potatoes, corn on the cob, bread, and watermelon after enjoying some chips, salsa that one of Jake and Carol Lee's neighbor made, and guacamole that Debbie made. 

It was a relatively quiet time. We were all tired after a jam-packed weekend of seeing longtime friends, eating, drinking, dancing, golfing, and, in many other ways, enjoying ourselves. The dinner and the relaxed conversation made for an enjoyable way to wind down. 

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