Friday, July 8, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 07-07-2022: Solid Walk, Last Details in Place, Reunion Letter About to Go Out

 1. It may not seem like a walk to Yoke's is all that much, but today's stroll to pick up a couple of prescriptions got my blood flowing, kept my blood pressure where I want it, and left me needing a short nap later on. My legs felt fine. My wind was good. Even though the temperature was moderate, the sun bothered me quite a bit. I thought about how, when I was younger, sunshine energized me. Now it saps my strength and dehydrates me in no time.

2. I think the last couple of details regarding the KHS Class of 72 50 year reunion are in place. We can meet at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday and go inside the high school building. Diane's daughter-in-law has stepped forward to say she'll take pictures of people during the Friday open house and take a group picture right after dinner at the Kingston HillTop on Saturday.

3. With those details in place, I can now put the finishing touches on a letter I'll email out to those registered for the reunion. Among other things, the letter describes what happens each day, lets our classmates know where to park, and lays out what the deal is regarding food and drinks for Friday's open house, Saturday's get together up the river,  Saturday's dinner and dance at the Kingston HillTop, and Sunday's golf outing.  My hope is that the letter anticipated most questions people coming to the reunion might have and answered them. We'll see if I succeeded! If I didn't, I hope people will send me questions so that nobody has any doubt about what to expect as the weekend gets underway on July 15th. 

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