Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 07-12-2022: Unpolished Testimony, Superb Poetry, Ready to Count Steps Again

1. I watched today's Select Committee hearing and then listened to a number of people on television provide analysis and commentary. I haven't watched many people give testimony in front of Congressional committees over the years. So, I'm not sure if it's common or uncommon for an unpolished, down to earth, former cabinet company supervisor, an everyday guy, to testify before these committees. But Stephen Ayres did today. His often ineloquent and raw honesty as he described why he joined the march to the Capitol and why he went inside the building as well as his story about how he regrets having done so was powerful. I've heard a lot of powerful testimony in these hearings. I've been the most shaken and deeply moved by the two people the least connected to the worlds of politics and government who have told their stories. Stephen Ayres was the second such person. The first was Atlanta elections employee Shaye Moss (well, and a third on tape: her mother, Lady Ruby). 

2. Watching Bill Davie present Poetry Break tonight perfectly balanced out my day. He read a wide variety of poems from the mailbag. Some was original poetry written by regular viewers of Poetry Break. It was fun to hear one of Jim Page's poems as well as more submissions by Mark Kenny. Bill read a few of his own poems about growing older. He's presenting his early drafts of these poems.  If he later revises these poems, I don't know if he plans to read the more polished versions to us at a later time. Bill ended the night with some professional poetry. His reading of some Robert Creeley poems reminded me of a day in London back in 1979. I went to a bookstore to hear Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko read some of his poetry. I bought a book of his and then went through the autograph line. When I reached Yevtushenko, he asked me what country I was from and when I told him, his response was that he admired poets of the USA, especially Robert Creeley.

3. I redeemed a Christmas gift card last week, finally, and one of my purchases was a FitBit. I activated it today and now I can go back to the days when I had a pedometer around my neck a lot. The FitBit is on my wrist and I'll keep track of daily steps again. 

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