Sunday, July 24, 2022

Three Beautiful Things 07-23-2022: Reassuring Copper and Luna, Chillin' at The Lounge, Relaxin' at Carol and Paul's

 1. I retired in the middle of the day to the bedroom where Luna and Copper were resting. I lay on the bed to nap and Luna immediately got up on my chest and Copper placed herself close to me, but didn't make contact. I put one hand on Copper's back and pet Luna with my other hand and soon I fell asleep, completely in touch with both Luna and Copper the entire nap, all of us relaxed and contented, and couldn't imagine a better way to assure them that they live in safe and loving home. 

2. Around five o'clock, I dropped into the Inland Lounge. Cas had two customers. Charlie was down in the VIP section playing the house digital jukebox with his cell phone app and Ginger was was at the bar. Ginger, Cas, and I are all in the same fantasy baseball leagues and we got to yakkin' about the leagues and our successes and failures. Before long, thanks to our reunion last weekend, the conversation turned to Heidelberg beer and Ginger mentioned that, if I could let go of some of my stash, she has a friend with a birthday coming up. This friend loved Heidelberg when it was widely available.  I am happy to report that it will be a great joy and a pleasure to help Ginger make her friend very happy! 

3. After our family dinner blowout on Tuesday, there were leftovers -- chips, margaritas, and maybe other things. Carol and Paul invited Debbie, Christy, and me over to their house to enjoy leftovers. Gibbs joined in. So did Riley. It was pleasant on Paul and Carol's patio. Cleo and Riley and Gibbs seemed to get along all right. I joined the party a little late after my visit to the Lounge and had a relaxing time with everyone. 

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