Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 04-17-2023: My Kidneys Keep Chugging Along, Successful Stroll, All-Class Reunion Shaping Up BONUS: A Limerick by Stu

1. I needed to have my every three month blood draw performed some time in April, so I roared up to the clinic this morning and got it done. As I write this, my lab results just arrived in my gmail box. My eGFR bumped up to 17, an improvement over my readings in both January and February. From my point of view, my damaged kidneys continue to filter my blood well. My potassium number was a bit high, but everything else is in range. 

To me, this is all good news. My kidneys continue to function, as I see it, with stability. Next week, I see the pulmonary specialist in CdA and his report, as I understand it, will determine whether or not I stay on the transplant list and, if I do stay on, I'll need to seriously ponder whether I want to keep my inactive status or change it to active. 

2. Once again, today I walked a short distance, working to gradually strengthen my legs and my wind and  test how much my left foot has healed. I parked in the Shoshone Medical Center lot, walked up the stairway to the high school trail, descended the trail to the end of Riverside Ave, walked to Cameron, strolled to the 4 way stop, and then headed up the Jacobs Gulch Road back to the parking lot and the Sube. 

I didn't establish or break any long distance walking records by any means (ha!), but I felt no pain in my foot and my legs felt stronger.  

I'll continue to extend these walks a bit more each day, hoping I don't exceed what my left foot can handle. 

This short walk rewarded me with the deep and refreshing sleep I experience after exercising. I sure enjoyed that. 

3. The All-Class reunion committee met at 6:30 this evening. With the reunion three months away, things seem in pretty good shape. The bands are hired. Food vendors are secured. Registration at the high school is organized. The plans to spiff up Kellogg are coming together. The trolley is ready to transport attendees. The catered bbq dinner is in place. Some loose ends need attention, but we are going to start meeting twice a month and work on tying up those things.

Here's Stu's limerick: 

One night long ago they were spied.
Time to battle the foe we defied. 
So, off into the night, 
After spotting the light. 
Went a Patriot on his famous ride. 

 Paul Revere’s Ride April 18,1775

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