Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 04-18-2023: Successful Walking, Spotify and Alexa, Bourbon and Fun TV

1. I extended my walking distance today and even walked uphill some. I strolled from our house to the base of the trail to the high school and walked up the hill at the beginning of the trail. I followed the trail to a culvert, crossed the creek, made my way to Jacobs Gulch Road and returned home. 

I felt no discomfort in my left foot. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I'm getting optimistic that I can continue to extend these walks and, maybe, give the Wellness Trail a try next week.

2. After about a half an hour of pushing buttons and fiddling around, I connected Spotify to Alexa. It's always a feeling akin to the rare occasion when I banged out a game winning hit in baseball when I get a move like this figured out.

3.  I dipped into the bottle of bourbon I purchased at Stein's Distillery in Joseph and enjoyed watching Perry Mason nail an art dealer and Columbo outsmart a mortician. The episodes were fun to watch and that Stein's bourbon pleased my senses and left me feeling mildly euphoric -- in moderation, that's the beauty of bourbon. 

Debbie was even more tired than usual when she returned home from work. She had a pretty good day, but her work is demanding and a few Pendleton 1910 Rye Whiskey with fresh squeezed orange juice and the tv shows we watched helped her relax and rest. 

So, by the way, did a short concert of songs by Stan Rogers and some Irish tunes found on the Spotify playlist called "Irish Tavern".

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