Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 09-04-2023: Freshening Up, Great Comfort Casserole, Rats in Manhattan

1.  I got my material life in somewhat better order today: got my laundry done, discarded old clothes with holes in them, ordered new sheets for the bed along with sleepwear, socks, toothbrushes -- nothing too exciting, but these things needed my attention.

2. Debbie transformed the leftovers from Sunday's Mexican dinner at Kelly's into a delicious casserole that she served along with chips and salsa. It was a most comforting meal with smoked meat, rice, corn, and delicious seasonings and it was mild. I could have added hot sauce or pepper flakes, but I enjoyed being comforted by this dinner without a lot of heat.

3. The latest issue of The New Yorker is a lot of fun. It's dedicated to animals and features pieces from over the years. One is on butterflies. Another on pigeons. I can read about emotional support animals. And squid. Tonight, though, I crawled into bed, protected by Luna and Copper, and read part of Joseph Mitchell's 1944 essay on rats in New York City -- maybe not the best subject to go to sleep with, but it's a fascinating piece and I love reading Joseph Mitchell. 

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