Thursday, September 28, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 09-27-2023: PT at Home, Enhancing Potato Soup, I Lost Interest in the NBA

1.  A while back, Terry Turner sent me a handout with leg exercises and a link with knee exercises. So, today I began what I guess you'd call physical therapy at home. 

2. With the cooler and wet weather having moved in, I decided to make a simple potato soup for dinner. Both Debbie and I enhanced our soup in our individual bowls. Debbie added leftover ragu to her soup and topped it with grated cheddar cheese -- she said the ragu raised the soup "to the next level".  I loved hearing that! 

I thought back to Wednesday nights around twenty years ago when I regularly dropped in at McMenamin's High St Brewery after Shakespeare class for an order of fries and a couple pints of Hammerhead Pale Ale. I enjoyed vinegar on my fries. So, when I ladled myself a bowl of soup this evening, I added vinegar to my bowl and, because I like sour cream on baked potatoes, I dropped a dollop of sour cream in my soup.

I'm not sure it reached the next level, but I enjoyed these enhancements a lot.

3. I don't think about it much, but today I briefly wondered why my interest in the NBA has dropped off so much in the last, oh, ten years or so. The Portland Trailblazers just traded their best player, Damion Dillard, to the Bucks. When I was younger, this kind of blockbuster move would have sent jolts of wonder through my system and I would have sought out other fans to discuss such a move and would have developed opinions (sure to be wrong) about whether it was a good move and what the future of the Trailblazers looked like.

None of that happened when I heard the news.

I came across, but didn't seek out,  some comments about the move made by people who both love the Blazers and the NBA, but none of it really registered for me.

It was sure fun when I loved the NBA -- especially in my teens, twenties, and on into my thirties. 

But, other interests, other pursuits have taken over. I still tap into my days of NBA enthusiasm by watching videos of past players and talking about the NBA of 35-55 years ago with friends. 

I miss the old excitement, but, for whatever reason, it's gone. 

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