Saturday, September 9, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 09-08-2023: Blood Draw Routine Resumes, A Beneficial Walk, HelloFresh Taco Friday

 1. Back in 2015 when the University of Maryland transplant program in Baltimore determined I was fit for a kidney transplant and put me on the list, I received a box of kits. Each kit contained a vial for a blood sample. I went to the Labcorp office in Greenbelt month after month. A phlebotomist drew my blood and sent the sample to Baltimore. I had a routine and I continued that routine when I left Maryland's care and enrolled in the transplant program at  Providence Sacred Heart in Spokane and I continued the routine, albeit to a different transplant program.  

In the fall of 2020, however, in consultation with both the transplant nurse and nephrologist Dr. Bieber, I switched my status on the transplant list to inactive -- so, no more monthly blood draws.

Well, a few weeks ago, I changed my status back to active (I am, however, inactive right now until Oct. 15) and a few days ago a blood sample kit arrived in the mail.

So, I walked to the Shoshone Medical Center. The order for the blood draw had come in from Spokane. The  phlebotomist was a total pro and she and I carefully worked out the details of what the blood draw and return of the kit requires. 

So, I'm back into the blood draw routine again -- I enjoyed it before and I enjoyed it again today.

2. Deciding to walk to the Shoshone Medical Center was a superb move. The outdoor temperature was mild enough and I walked in enough shade that I didn't suffer from either heat or the sun. I'm trying to rebuild strength in my legs and walking uphill on the trail to the stairway that goes down to the medical center parking lot gave my legs and my wind a test that seemed just right. 

My plan is to increase the distance I walk as my legs regain strength and I'm hoping that it won't be too long before I decide I'm ready to return to the Health and Wellness Trail.

I'm also planning to enjoy the milder weather by riding my bicycle again -- keeping my fingers crossed. 

3. Debbie had a good first week of school and when she dropped in at The Lounge late this afternoon on her way home, two of her fellow teachers were in the house and she came home having had a great time. 

I didn't join Debbie. 

I fixed dinner.

I broke out a black bean taco bag from HelloFresh.

I sliced and pickled some onion slices by putting the slices in a pot over a low heat and pickling them with lime juice and sugar.  

I also fixed a cabbage topping for the tacos by combining shredded cabbage, mayo, and cilantro.

I heated olive oil, cooked more thin onion slices, and added a can of black beans to the onions along with a southwest spice blend and a seasoning paste included in the bag. Once the liquid had dissipated, I mashed the beans. In a separate pan, I heated up the last of our leftover meat from our Mexican dinner on Sunday. 

Debbie and I each loaded up flour tortillas with the beans, meat, pickled onions, cabbage, Mexican crema, and grated cheese. 

Good news! 

It worked! 

(And so did the muffins I baked that Debbie took to Pinehurst Elementary today. She left the house with thirty-five muffins and brought home two! Different staff members told Debbie they enjoyed the muffins. They worked!)

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