Sunday, October 15, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 10-14-2023: Shunning Chaos, RIP Jay Gorham, Debbie Roasts a Perfect Dinner

1. Any more, in response to the chaotic awfulness happening in the USA and around the world, I want to try to keep the little world of our home, of family, and of friends as orderly -- or at least as unchaotic -- as possible. Today I was reclusive. Yes, I made a quick trip to Yoke's, but mostly I worked word puzzles. I enjoyed one can of Hammerhead Pale Ale. We left the television off. I read some news stories online,  enjoyed Debbie's company, spent time with Copper and Luna, and promised Gibbs I wouldn't take his new bone (new bones make him anxious that some one will snatch it).

2. I also spent a lot to time remembering Jay Gorham. Jay was a student of mine forty-one years ago at Whitworth, in the Shakespeare class I gave, and about twelve years ago we became friends on Facebook. Today, Colette texted me with the news that Jay died in August. The news shocked me. I immediately jumped over to Jay's Facebook account and read the warm and loving tributes many of his friends wrote and enjoyed having sweet memories of my own flood my mind. 

On Facebook, Jay put up posts all the time of pictures, stories, and concert schedules of the musicians he loved in the worlds of punk, New Wave, underground, and alternative rock music. I loved these posts and loved how Jay shared his passion for a world of music I had a lot to learn about. 

All of our back and forth on Facebook about music, movies, occasionally sports, and other things moved me to want to see Jay in person.

A year ago, I drove to West Seattle to hear Bill Davie perform and I invited Jay to also come to the C&P Coffee House, but, as I remember, he was hosting guests at home and couldn't make it. 

3. Debbie fixed a delicious bean salad and it was the perfect compliment to the roasted potatoes, carrots, and chicken drumsticks she prepared for dinner. I capped off this delicious meal with a small pour of Cointreau and it worked its magic on me. Not only did it taste wonderful, it also made my tummy feel content, feel relaxed, just like a good after dinner drink ought to! 

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