Saturday, October 28, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 10-27-2023: No Appointments!, All Steve Miller All Afternoon, Delicious Pasta Dinner

1. I was happier, maybe happier than a sane person should be, not to have any appointments today. I stayed home, relaxed with puzzles and blogging, and exercised on the floor for about ninety minutes, trying to further strengthen muscles in my legs, stretch them, and strengthen my core, gradually. 

2. Until today, I've exercised in silence. It just seemed right to do go through my routine in a quiet house. That changed today. When I was driving to CdA or Spokane the other day, I was listening to 70s on 7 and Lisa Evans played the Steve Miller Band's 1977 hit, "Jungle Love". It got to me, in a good way, and so, this afternoon, I played all Steve Miller Band music while I exercised, including the only Steve Miller Band album I bought in high school: Steve Miller Band Number 5. I don't think that album had any hits on it (please correct me if I'm wrong), but it works for me with its variety and originality. I might even like it a bit more than his later hits -- hard to say -- but I do know that I enjoyed exercising to the sounds of the Steve Miller Band. It was a good session.

3. I've prepared HelloFresh's Silky Sicilian Penne tossed with Zucchini, Mushrooms, and Tomatoes before and was kind of stoked that our last bag of the week meant a return to this dish. It was an easy one pan, one pot meal, with sauce enriched by crema and mushroom stock concentrate. Debbie and I were very happy diners tonight. 

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