Saturday, December 9, 2023

Three Beautiful Things 12-08-2023: Success at the Gym, Revisiting Episode 3 of *Who Killed JFK?*, More 20th Century History

1. I checked in at about 10:45 this morning at the rehab gym. When I weighed in, my weight was the lowest it's been since I started, so I'm slowly losing some weight. I altered my routine, on Claudia's recommendation, and worked with the hand weights in between twenty minute sessions on the two aerobic machines. I upped the intensity, slightly, of my session on the recumbent cross trainer. After I finished, Claudia and I decided that on Monday I would start working with a "hills" program on the treadmill (it's what I do on the Smelterville treadmill), keep my mph the same, but having more variation in the machine's incline. 

2. I declined Debbie's invitation to join her at The Lounge after work. I also suggested she bring home some Chinese take out from Wah Hing. After we ate some of it for dinner, Debbie and listened once again to Episode 3 of Who Killed JFK? This episode focuses on Lee Harvey Oswald's teen age years -- his disenchantment with going to school, his enlistment in the Marines, and how he appears to have been trained as an intelligence asset for the CIA -- something the CIA has long denied. This episode features interviews with people we are unfamiliar with and Oswald's activities in the Marines, his time living in the Soviet Union, his marriage, and so on were difficult for me to keep straight. Listening to all of this information for a second time was very helpful and, I'm happy to say, I've also found a website that publishes this podcast's transcripts and it's already helping me nail things down more solidly to read what is said in this episode. 

3. We finished listening to this episode and Debbie asked me if I knew of any podcasts discussing the FBI/Branch Davidian standoff and conflagration in Waco, TX in 1993. I found some things, but I thought we might benefit from watching a filmed documentary rather than listen to a podcast. 

I searched for and found the Frontline documentary entitled, Waco: The Inside Story and we watched it.

It was gruesome.

It was enlightening and frustrating. 

Even more, it was gruesome. 

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