Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 04-30-2024: Stability, The Nook and Home Again, Sun-Dried Tomato Spaghetti

1. If you read the blog post I wrote yesterday, you know that my instability over the years has been on my mind. Actually, it always is. It's a state of being I do my best to ward off. I do my best to foster stability in my day to day life and not give in to swings in temperament or into stupid, even destructive, behavior.

One area in my life that has been almost miraculously stable has been my renal and pulmonary health.

Today, I met the next of my every six months appointment with Dr. Jespersen, a pulmonary specialist. 

I carry infection in my respiratory system from the Zinc Plant accident that I luckily survived in 1973.

For years, the damage to my lungs has not progressed. 

It's remained stable. 

Dr. Jespersen examined x-rays from three weeks ago. I'd read the written report that accompanied those x-rays and it asserted there'd been no change in my condition since the last images were taken a year ago.

Dr. Jespersen agreed.

The doctor encouraged me to keep going to the Fitness Center, remarked that the transplant program must be pleased that I've lost weight, and determined that I didn't need any more pulmonary testing at this time. 

I will see Dr. Jespersen again in six months. 

He reminded me that if between now and then I have a kidney transplanted into my system, that it's possible I could experience pulmonary complications connected to my immune system being so heavily minimized. 

Should that happen, he instructed me to contact him right away. 

2. Overnight, I thought it might be fun, after this appointment, to go to Spokane. Instead, I went to the Breakfast Nook, enjoyed a substantial breakfast, fueled the Camry at Costco, and headed home. I was tired. I'd had an up and down night and wanted to return home to rest and nap. So I did.

3. Debbie and I let HelloFresh choose the two meals a week we order from them. I find it fun to open the box when it arrives on Monday and be surprised by what's inside.

So, that this week's box included one of my favorite meals was a welcome revelation.

I fixed that old favorite this evening: Sun-Dried Tomato Spaghetti with Fresh Parsley, Almonds, & Parmesan.

I didn't take much effort.

I roasted the almonds, boiled the spaghetti, and sautéed the chopped sun-dried tomatoes with garlic. I added water, chicken stock, grape tomatoes, and a little cream cheese, parmesan cheese, and butter to the pan of ingredients and cooked it all up. I went outside the recipe and added Italian seasoning and red pepper flakes to the sauce to enhance the flavor and give it what Debbie and I always enjoy: a little heat. 

In separate bowls, I dished out the spaghetti, topped it with the sauce, and garnished it with parsley, almonds, and parmesan cheese. 

It worked! 

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