Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 05-28-2024: Day Napping, Bill Walton Testimonials, Debbie Improvises in the Kitchen

1. It's imperative that I drink a high volume of liquids every day and the only drawback to taking care of myself this way is that I don't sleep a lot at night. Today, I felt the effects of my erratic sleep schedule a bit more than usual and I didn't fight the urge to return to bed and sleep a while during the day.

2. When I wasn't refreshing myself with some catch up sleep today, I didn't do much. My chief enjoyment came from cruising online looking for videos of people who knew Bill Walton and told stories about being touched by the loving light of Bill Walton's eternal magic carpet ride through life, by his curiosity, generosity, and enthusiasm for, well, just about everything. 

3. Debbie quickly threw together a pasta dinner using canned green tomatoes and mushrooms that rocked my world tonight. I added spinach leaves to my helping, let the leaves cook down, and so I added a little of my own innovation to Debbie's ingenious dish. 

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