Monday, May 20, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 05-19-2024: Restful Day, Crossword Catch Up, Preparing for Monday's Trip to Spokane

1. This was one blissfully uneventful day. Because I am up frequently during the night to go to the bathroom (a good thing) and have been starting my days much earlier than usual, I returned to bed a couple of times today and napped. I showered. I further established my independence my pulling on my own compression socks! I fixed myself breakfast and lunch. I continue to feel really good. 

2. I continued catching up on New York Times crossword puzzles. I have more work to do on the Sunday puzzle and then I'll tackle Monday's puzzle on Monday and pull even. 

3. On Monday morning, I'm due at the surgical lab at Sacred Heart for blood work at 7:30. Christy will drive me over. The trip requires some planning. I have to take my meds at 8:00 a.m. after the blood draw. I  need to carry one of the bottles I pee in so that I'll have a record of my output if I have to go. I need some food and a dose of the anti-fungal wash I swish in my mouth after I eat. I'll be in a public place so I need to cover my face. I'll carry sanitary wipes. 

I made a list, revised it, checked it at least twice, made final revisions, laid things out, and I'm confident I am prepared to make Monday morning's trip with all contingencies covered. 

The best part of this preparation? 

I can do it all myself! 

No one, especially Debbie, has to concern themselves with doing anything for me or helping me out. 

I very much appreciated that Debbie fixed those burgers on naan bread again tonight, but it's also good to know that I have plenty of energy to prepare food and can get back to making dinner for us while Debbie is at work. 

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