Sunday, May 26, 2024

Three Beautiful Things 05-25-2024: Rest, Produce, Protein

1. No trips to Spokane. No labs. No appointments. No problem. I didn't sleep much overnight, but continued my travels on the well-worn path to the bathroom. So, today, I spent a few hours, off and on, back in bed, resting, napping, relaxing. 

2. Debbie spent a generous amount of time in the kitchen this afternoon cleaning produce and chopping vegetables and strawberries so that these items will be ready right away for me to make salads and do other things with. I joined this produce preparation party and washed and bagged all of our lettuce, spinach, kale, and arugula. Later in the day, I made a fresh green salad and having everything ready to go elated me. 

3. To help me consume plenty of protein, as highly recommended by the transplant team, Debbie prepared a generous hunk of salmon for her and me and I swear I could feel its wealth of protein going to work to help heal and build my body.  

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